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The Gemini Kit

The Gemini Kit

Regular price $22.22 USD
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May 21-June 20

1 Peach Moonstone Tumbled Stone Peach Moonstone brings relief to emotional issues, such as depression and anger. It also supports the heart, soothing worry or anxiety. It is also known for bringing out the best in people. Its loving energy promotes the good in all situations.

1 Hematite Tumbled Stone Hematite is considered to be one of the best stones for increasing healthy circulation in the body. Hematite restores, strengthens and regulates the blood supply, aiding many blood conditions. It also supports the kidneys, as well as stimulates the absorption of iron and formation of red blood cells. Hematite can also treat leg cramps, anxiety and insomnia. 

1 Clear Quartz Tumbled Stone The Clear Quartz is known for its high vibrations. It assists clearing your mind, body, and spirit of any clutter, a Clear Quartz crystal can help you align with your highest self and live at your highest potential. This stone is known for  its ability to absorb, store, and regulate the release of energy.

1 Moss Agate Tumbled Stone Agate is a gemstone that has a meaning and properties of adjusting the energy balance. Agate also increases compassion, generosity and a keen sense of justice, along with enhancing mental and emotional flexibility, improving decision-making and resolving disputes

1 Lepidolite Tumbled Stone Lepidolite Tumbled Stone guides you with it's emotionally stabilizing energy. Lepidolite relieves exhaustion and aids in the relief of tension and related disorders. It helps to bring focus to your dreams and allows you to tap into the wisdom of your dream state. All the stones will vary slightly in size, shape, color and pattern.

1 Opalite Tumbled Stone Opalite is an artificially, or man-made stone created from glass. Opalite healing crystals are known to increase your personal power and boost self-esteem. Opalite also improves communication on all levels, especially the spiritual. Opalite is subtle but has a high energy which is ideal for meditation. 

1 Citrine Tumbled Stone Citrine opens the higher mind to accept joy in one's life, releasing anger and negative feelings, and  destructive tendencies. This crystal is excellent for overcoming depression. Citrine inspires creativity and self-expression. It is one of the only crystals that does not store any negativity. *heat treated amethyst*

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