Super 7 Bead Bracelet

Super 7 Bead Bracelet

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Super Seven helps us to step into our personal power. Super Seven helps us to be more observant and thoughtful. It encourages us to get involved with other people’s passion projects and to invite others to be a part of our own. Super Seven releases our ego’s need to always be right or always in control. It helps us to stop wasting time and energy on being embarrassed or ashamed of mistakes, and instead simply own them, learn from them, and move on. Super Seven shows us the positive side of negative events and brings great clarity to the mind. Super Seven gives us a boost whenever we need to climb out of mental ruts and be truly open to new ways of thinking or doing things. In particular, Super Seven helps us to let go of whatever doesn’t actually work or serve us, and not to cling to something old simply out of habit.